Steps to plan a didactic unit:
- Legislative framework.
- LOMCE (We have to use inclusive and heterogeneus groups in class)
- Primary education curriculum.
- Relation among competences contents.
- Primary education curriculum in Ceuta.
Key competences
The nomenclature and definition of key competences in the
lomce is based on a European commission document on 21st century competences.
- Linguistic competence.
- Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and
- Digital competence.
- Learning to learn.
- Social and civic competences
- Initiative and entrepreneurship.
- Cultural awareness and expression.
- The LOMCE defines the curriculum as: the regulation of the
elements that manage the teaching And learning
Curriculum of primary education
The new curriculum will be integrated by:
- The objectives; they are the reference models related to the
outcomes the students must achieve at the end of the educational process.
- The competences or capacities to activate and apply the
contents in an integrated way, with the aim of achieving the appropriate
fulfilment of activities and the effective solving of complex problems.
The contents, or sets of knowledge, abilities, skills and
attitudes that contribute to
- The achievement of the objectives
- The acquisition of the competences
Evaluation criteria:
They are the specific referent models
to evaluate students’ learning. They describe what must be assessed and
students must achieve.
The didactic methodology that includes both:
- A description of teaching practices, as well as
- The organization of teachers’ work.
That is to say, it is a set of strategies, procedures and
organized actions.
Evaluative learning standards:
They are the specification of
the evaluation criteria that allow to define the learning results and that
specify what the students must know, understand, know how to do in
- They must be observable, measurable, graduable.
- Schools will have autonomy to elaborate, approve and carry
- An educational project.
- A management project
- For each of the communicative tasks listed and described in
the standards.
- We will have to incorporate the set of contents included in
its corresponding block of activity.
- To evaluate the degree of acquisition of each of the earning
standards of a particular language activity, we will apply each and every
criterion of evaluation included and described for the corresponding
The curricular proposal
The curricular proposal will be elaborated by the stage
teaching team, and will comprise the following elements:
a) Contextualisation of the stage objectives and the
integration of the key competences in the curricular elements.
b) The methodological and didactic principles
c) Strategies and instruments for the evaluation of students’
d) Curricular and organisational measures of individualised
Criteria for grade advancement.
e) Reading plan
f) Information and communication technologies plan
g) Integration of cross-curricular elements.
h) Agreement for improving learning outcomes.
Didactic plannings
- Didactic plannings for each areas will be elaborated by the
team that teaches in the same school year.
- Didactic plannings must include, at least, the following
a) Sequence and timing of contents.
b) Profile for each key competence or relation between the
evaluative learning standars and each
competence. The elaboration of these profiles of the key competences will make
its evaluation easier.
c) Evaluation criteria.
d) Strategies and instruments for the students’ learning.
e) Methodological and didactic decisions.
f) Procedures of evaluation and evaluation of the curricular
g) Didactic resources.
h) Students’ materials, including textbooks.
i) Program of extra-curricular and complementary activities.
j) Evaluation procedure of the didactic planning and its