Thursday 12 January 2017

JCloze (Hot potatoes) (12/01)

  • The JCloze program creates gap-fill exercises.
  • Unlimited correct answers can be specified for each gap, and the student can ask for a hint and see a letter of the correct answer.
  • A specific clue can also be included for each gap.
  • Automatic scoring is also included. The program allows gapping of selected words, or the automatic gapping of everyday new word in a text.

  • It is better to use a text processor (like Word) insead of using the programme directly. 

  • Files should be saved in the same folder.
  • Hot Potatoes does not include software for the edition of images, sound or video.
  • Suggested software: Gimp, YouTube Editor, Audacity…
  • The videos should not be too long, but it depends on the students' age. 
  • Use long names without spaces.
  • Browsers read spaces as: “%20”.
  • There may be navigation errors. For example: Reading_in_English instead of Reading in English. 

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