Tuesday 29 November 2016

Oral communication - Listening (29/11)

3. Listening
  • Teacher should provide student with sufficient listening practice to enable them to understand with reasonable ease both native and non-native speakers of English when they speak at normal speed in unstructured situations. 
  • Listening is key to all effective communication, without the ability to listen effectively messages are easily misunderstood – communication breaks down and the sender of the message can easily become frustrated or irritated. 

  • A student will learn a great deal by listening to the teacher.
  • The teacher is the most important model on which the student will base his/her own behaviour. 
  • It is important, therefore, that you speak English at a speed consistent with normal stress and rhythm and intonation patterns. 

  • It is simply not sufficient to expose the learners to those samples of spoken language which are, for example, the presentation of the unit.
  • These samples are simplified to provide the students with models for oral production.
  • Le. There are oral texts specified as a presentation of the unit, for specific practice, as reinforcement or even revision.
  • A silent period is recommended for beginners.
  • Together with a great deal of listening activities. 
  • The teacher provides comprehensible input. 
  • Use of CDs, video recordings, ICT based resources.
  • Beginners may feel paralyzed when they do not understand.

  • A single speaker with a clear voice is recommended in early listening tasks.
  • When there are two or more speakers, their voices should be clearly distinguished. 
  • Children must begin by getting involved in the listening task.
  • Following recorded directions with some descriptive clues is recommendable to improve the listening skill.
  • If the task is easy to perform and the comprehensible input understood, an exchange of role is the next step. 
  • The more advanced pupils will adopt the leading role.
  • Children will reproduce TPR techniques. 

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