Thursday 17 November 2016

Saint Patrick's Day activities (15/11)

For the course "Recursos Culturales y Literarios para la Enseñanza de la Lengua Extranjera" (Cultural and Literary Resources for the Teaching of a Foreign Language), each one of the student had to prepare a presentation about a relevant foreign celebration in the United States, United Kingdom or Ireland.
My topic for this project was Saint Patrick's Day, a cultural and religious celebration on 17 March, with Irish roots. 

For the oral presentation, I used Glogster. Here you can see the poster that I made:

The activity that I developed was a kind of Treasure Hunt 2.0. Why 2.0? Because they did not need a map, they used intead their mobiles phones. They had to scan a QR code that they would find in every clover, in pairs but only with a mobile phone. 

Firstly, I cut some four leaves clovers in foamy using this shape from Wikipedia:

In addition, I made too an extra and bigger shamrock to explain the Saint Trinity, according to Saint Patrick: 

In every QR code, there was an image, that could be a question about Saint Patrick's Day or a tricky image. There were 10 questions and 5 tricky images that said "Keep on trying". 

When they scanned the QR code they found this images:

For making the QR codes, I used this site:
You can choose the colour of the code. I kept the images in my Google Drive account and I share the links. 

Here are some of the codes generated: 

I printed them and I stack the printed QR codes to the foam with glue, and I stack the clovers to the Faculty's walls, in hidden places.

After that, I gave to my partners a sheet that they had to answer.

I set 15 minutes to find them, the first team to complete the sheet, wins. When the first team finished, we stopped the time and we checked the answers. For each correct answer, I gave them a chocolate coin from a pot of gold.

Here we are in the classroom after the game and with the winner team, that won a cookie each one:

It was really funny to see people running while trying to find all the clovers for getting the prize!

In case they were children, I think that it may be a really interesting activity for doing in the classroom, as in some schools they are given tablets. 

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