Thursday 1 December 2016

Hot Potatoes (01/12)

Hot Potatoes Suite

Hot potatoes includes six applications.
These applications enable you to create interactive:
  • Multiple-choice
  • Short-answer
  • Jumbled-answer
  • Crossword
  • Marching/ordering
  • Gap-fill exercises

They can be uploaded to the World Wide Web. 

These are the different possibilities that Hot Potatoes offer:
  • JQuiz: multiple-choice, true-false, text-entry or short-answer.
  • JCloze: gap-fill.
  • JCross: crosswords.
  • JMatch: matching and ordering.
  • JMix: jumbed-sentence.

The Masher
  • The masher is a tool for automatically compiling Pot Potatoes exercises into units.
  • Imagine that you have five Hot Potatoes exercises that form a single unit of materials. You want to build HTML files from all exercises, with the same colours and appearance settings; you also want to link the exercises together using the navigation buttons, and create an index file for the unit. 

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