Thursday 27 October 2016


Key competences

The nomenclature and definition of key competencesin the LOMCE is based on a European Commision document on 21st century competences.
The LOMCE defines seven competences:
  1. Linguistic competence.
  2. Mathematical competence and basic competence in science and technology.
  3. Digital competence.
  4. Learning to learn.
  5. Social and civic competence.
  6. Initiative and entrepreneurship.
  7. Cultural awareness and expression. 


The Key Competences focus on:
-          Preparing children for the future.
-          Developing skills and attitudes that will help them to enjoy a good quality of life.
-          To successfully interact with others in the contexts they are likely to encounter in their dialy lives.


Within the LOMCE subjects are classified in three ways:

1. Obligatory core subjects:
  • These are the same for pupils throughout the country.
  • They should take up at least 50% of the school timetable:

               - Natural Sciences
               - Social Sciences
               - Spanish Language and Literature
               - Mathematics
               - Fisrt Foreign Language

2. Obligatory specific subjects: 
  •  Physical Education:

×          A choice between Religion and Social and Civil values.
-          At least one of the following:
×          Artistic Education
×          Second Foreign Language
×          Religion
×          Social and Civic values

3. Elective subjects dependent on the Autonomous Community of School.
  • These subjects are designed by the each of the Autonomous Communities. 
  • According to the stage, the offer of this type of subjects is more or less wide-ranging. 
  • The only obligatory subject offered and programmed each year at all stages is the Co-official Language in Communities where this applies.

-          3rd Primary:
×          This is a diagnostic evaluation to detect difficulties and implement improvement measures.
×          Each Autonomous Community carries these our and there are no academic repercussions.
-          6th Primary:
×          This is an external exam, the same for all students across the country. The Government will develop and design the evaluation criteria and characteristics for these tests.
×          Competences are measured: what the student knows and what the student knows how to do.
×          The results will be informative and orientative for Secondary.


-          The LOMCE emphasises the importance of digital literacy and the appropriate use of technology to assist learning.
-          To build children’s confidence with technology.
-          To allow teachers to create a tailored digital solution to suit their pupils’ needs and their teaching context.

Foreign Language

-          Command of a second language, or even a third foreign language is a priority in Education as a consequence of the process of globalization. Nevertheless, there are still shortcomings in our educational system.
-          The promotion of plurillingualism is an objective that cannot be given up in the construction of and European Project.
-          The law definitely supports plurillingualism, so that students can express themselves fluently at least in one foreign language.

Curriculum of Primary Education

-          The LOMCE defines the curriculum as: the regulation of the elements that manage the teaching and learning processes for each of educational stages.
-          The new curriculum will be integrated by:

×          The objectives of foreign language area: they are the reference models related to the outcomes the students must achieve at the end of educational process. 

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