Sunday 2 October 2016

ICT at school (29/09)

ICT devices

Alphabet taught to kids nowadays with technological new brands and applications. There’s a lot of new words that are appearing nowadays.

Learning based on projects.

It’s important to create groups in order to create responsibility and create an identity, like a name group, a pet.
Projects cannot be worked only in English class, they should be worked in other classes.
Talking about making groups in class, they should be mixed.

ICT definition:
  • Producing just a focus of attention.
  • Everything monitored by a keyboard or similar device.


They show how minister of education is old-fashioned. The problem is that all this technologies hasn’t been productive. They are expensive and may not been used.
  • Overhead projector.
  • Audio player.
  • Tv set
  • Video player and cameras
  • Cd/cassette recorder
  • Easily portable
  • Adaptability.
  • Low sound quality.
  • Blackboard: it should have a design and organized. We are changing into whiteboards. For example, we can add parts like "just to remind you", "out of class activities", photos, "writing zone", "your interests". 

OHP and blackboard:
  • Analyse the traditional blackboard and the OHP.
  • Advantages of the OHP.

Audio player- the sound:
  • Most textbooks were supplemented with audiotapes to carry out listening activities.
  • Nowadays CDs and DVDs ate replacing them.
  • Pupils can practice the listening activities at home.
  • There is a lot of material especially published for children.

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