Saturday 8 October 2016


Leaning by heart
  • Written exercises.
  • Probably students do not know what they are writing about and why.

Mechanical exercise:
  • Use of memory.
  • Should be dealt with first orally.

The silent way
1st stage: presentation:
2nd  input: given time to student
3rd role
4th: repeating after the teacher.

  • Developed by Gattegno in the early 60’s.
  • Use of silence on the part of the teacher.
  • “Teaching should  be subordinated to learning”.
  • Students should be able to use the language for self-expression.
  • Students become independent by relying on themselves.

Total physical response:
  • Also named Comprehension Approach.
  • Listening comprehension first.
  • Use of commands to direct behaviour.
  • Commands are given to get students to perform an action.
  • The action makes the meaning of the command clear.
  • Stress free environment.

Natural approach:
  • Observing how children acquire their mother tongue. Follow the same steps.
  • The child chooses to speak when it is ready.
  • The teacher helps his/her students to understand him/her by using pictures and occasional words in the students’ native language.
  • Students are permitted to use their native language along with the target language.

Communicative approaches:
  • Everyone has a natural desire not only to understand himself but also to communicate with others. The closer people live together, the more this desire becomes a necessity.
  • The first step in any learning process must be the identification of interests, needs and motivation.
  • Language as a medium of communication.
  • Communication embraces functions and notions.
  • Communicative and meaningful activities.
  • Learner centered approach or motivation centred approach. It means that the students are the main character of the teaching process.
  • Listening: 20-30 minutes in the first course.
  • Concept of need:
×          Ways in which the learner will be called upon to use the language in situations he may meet.
×          Personal and social development of the student, including the development of study skills and self-reliance.

×          Meaning is paramount. 

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