Tuesday 25 October 2016

TOPIC 2 (25/10)

  • The Organic Law for the Improvement of Quality of Education (LOMCE).
  • The Curriculum of Primary Education.

  • The basic document is the Organic Law of Education (LOE).
  • New aspects have been introduced and some others have been removed. 

Objectives: LOMCE

  • To reduce variations in requirements and demands within education systems throughout the country.
  • To lower the drop-out rates in compulsory educational levels (pupils under the age of 16).
  • To improve levels of achievement in Compulsory Secondary Education. 
  • To improve students’ level of knowledge in the basic subjects.
  • To establish a clear system of progress indicators according to educational objectives. 
  • To increase the autonomy of schools. 
  • To generalise and spread the use of ICT within education. 
  • To improve foreign languages learning. 
  • To promote and update vocational training studies.

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