Thursday 6 October 2016


Audio player- the sound

What would you do if you had to give a lesson or a particular topic? Do not answer the question immediately
The first thing is focusing on the question, not in the answer. Firstly, we should choose the topic (for example a song).
If we are asked to prepare a topic, firstly we need to start by the end, in this case, by the song.
  • First: Planning. What is the song about? Look for key words included in that song. Prepare what I will say about the song. I design the way I present it, for example with a guideline with the main ideas and sections.  The most important aspect of the presentation is my speech. After, we correct it. Finally, the final product will be presented and we will have to make it public.

We will see different ways to present audio materials. It is more useful and efficient when everything is planned. It is not a good idea rely on imagination, we have to plan everything in advance, then we put in practise what we plan and after, we will correct it.
  • Most textbooks were supplemented with audiotapes to carry out listening activities.
  • Nowadays CDs and DVDs are replacing them.
  • Pupils can practice the listening activities at home.
  • There is a lot of material especially published for children.

A pupil needs a lot of exposure and practice for produce a right sound in a foreign language. Therefore, we need to increase the number of hours that our students are exposed.

VCR and camera:

  • VTR and cameras have not been used in our classrooms frequently.
  • We all know the power of attraction of TV series.
  • In general, we could say that: movement and sound are motivating.
  • If students and teachers create their own materials, adapted to their needs and interests, these devices can be highly motivating.
  • They can play roles, investigate, discuss about the final product.

TV sets and computers:
  • The connection between a TV set and a computer, is nowadays, simpler than ever before.
  • Most TV sets have an S-VHS, VGA or HDMI connection.

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