Thursday 27 October 2016

Presentations based on on-line and off-line presentation programmes (27/10)

 SWF files
  • Swf: “Shockwave Flash”: later: “Small Web Format”SWF files can be created with software such as Adobe Flash and other free applications, for example, MTASC o SWFTools.
  • They are run thought a “plugin” called Adobe Flash Player.
  • Basically, it is a format with a lot of animation possibilities and interactions.
  • They are normally small files and, consequently, they can be easily adapted for the WWW (animations, interactive activities…)
  • They provide multiple functions and grades of interactivity.

  • Microsoft PowerPoint is a presentation software.
  • Slides presentations, text and image animations, either imported or predesigned. 
  • Diference types of designs, fonts, templates, animation, etc. can be applied.

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