Saturday 1 October 2016

Languages learning theories (Part 2) (28/09)

Method approach, design and procedure: an umbrella term. It is a theory developed by Edward Anthony, Jack Richards and Theodore Rodgers.
  • Approach (provides theoretical foundations for what a teacher does in his classroom). It is a group of hypothesis  that dealt with the type of language learning and language teaching. The examples of teaching approaches are GTM (Grammar Translation Method), Direct Method, Reading Method, ALM (Audio-lingual Method), Cognitive Code Learning, Communicative Approach, etc.
  • Design (relationship of theories of language and learning to both the form and function of instructional materials and activities in instructional settings). According to this theory, design is the relationship between expert theories to classroom materials and activities while procedure as technique and the practical executions in the classroom that was developed eventually from approach and design
  • Procedure (classroom techniques and practices). It is the technique and the practical executions in the classroom that was developed eventually from approach and design. 

Inductive vs deductive: they are two very distinct and opposing instructional approaches, but not in a psychological term.
  • Inductive: knowledge of grammatical rules should be acquired through exposure to samples of speech that present a particular construction. The first practical application is:

Students are to elicit the rule from the given input and subconsciously learn it by recognizing the reoccurring patterns.
  • Deductive: the introduction of a new structure should be started with an explicit presentation of the rule that governs the structure. The presentation is followed by examples which show how the rule is used.

 In addition, if a child’s pronunciation is not correct but the communication is not broken, don’t correct him.

There’s a lot of different methods: direct method, communicative approach, grammar translation, audio-lingual method, total physical response, silent way, community language learning, computer-assisted language learning… the best method depends on children’s needs. The curriculum suggest using an active, collaborative, participative methodology.

Grammar-translation (…- XX):
Derived from the method used to teach Latin and Greek. There is not use of the second language in the class, except for translation. 
  • Vocabulary is learnt by memorizing long lists, learnt by heart, without a context.
  • Reading and writing are the centre of the class: no place for listening and speaking. There was no place for listening or speaking in traditional classes.
  • Grammar and syntax are extremely important for language learning. Grammar is taught deductively.

Main objectives:
  • Reading and writing.
  • Grammar structures and translation.
  • Study of morphology and syntax.
  • Memorization of grammar rules and long list of vocabulary items.
  • Techer centered.
  • Textbooks are fundamental. Do not try the introduction of any concept without being learnt in Spanish.

Direct method:
  • Classroom interaction was conducted exclusively in the target language.
  • New teaching points were introduced orally.
  • Only everyday vocabulary and sentences were taught.
  • Grammar was taught inductively.
  • Concrete vocabulary was taught through demonstrations, objects and pictures…
  • Both speech and listening comprehension were taught.
  • Correct pronunciation and grammar were emphasized.
Summary of a lesson:
  • Presentation of the topic in the target language.
  • Students repeat (chorus, whole class, groups, rows, …). Some students can not repeat and not participate.
  • The teacher explains a topic normally from real life situations. She uses objects, mime, … as the language used is the target language.
  • Use of songs and games in the classroom.

Summing up:
  • Objectives: conversation, discussion. Mainly oral production and listening promoted from the beginning.
  • Use of posters, visual aids, songs and games.
  • Use of the mother tongue is forbidden. But when the students could get a benefit from it, use the mother tongue.
  • No translation. If the student ask to you, respond him with and question: “What do you think it means?”. Never translate directely.
  • No grammar-rules. Inductive.
  • Lot of imagination and inspiration. Tiring for the teacher and a problem for shy students. 

Luk Manblack. “Approach, Method, and Technique” Likmanblack’s Blog <> Online. 1 de octubre de 2016.

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