Sunday 23 October 2016


eTwinning is part of Erasmus+ program for education, training, youth and sports. Its goal is to promote and facilitate contact, exchange of ideas and collaborative work between teachers and students of the countries participating in eTwinning through ICTs.

Click on the image to go to eTwinning main page.

An eTwinning project is a collaboration between two or more schools in different European countries on a topic previously agreed. The collaboration is carried out through a virtual platform and useing different web tools.

The founders of the project agree on the subject, length, the students that will participate in the project, number of partners, product or products they wish to obtain, the working language, the web tools to be used, etc.

eTwinning projects involve an improvement for teachers and for students in the digital competence and communicative competence in foreign languages. Furthermore, eTwinning projects bring other benefits inherent therein as the development of more general skills related to collaborative work, negotiation, intercultural awareness, etc.

When a teacher is registered in the platform, he has to fill out a form with his data and explains what ideas he wants to work on the project. Once registration is verified, you will be able to access your personal desktop through which can interact with other members, exchange ideas, create groups and eventually work on a project.

Here you can check some projects:

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