Sunday 9 October 2016


Computer assisted language learning.

C.A.L.L: computer assisted language learning by Sarah Ferguson. It was defined by Levy as “the search for and study of applications of the computer in language teaching learning.
  • CALL embraces a wide range of applications and approaches to teaching and learning foreign languages.
  • From the audio-lingual method (drill-based exercises) to most recent distance learning.

- Originally located within behaviourism and “tutorial CALL” (Levy. 1997. Taylor. 1980)
- Key defining characteristics of traditional CALL include:
- Use of a computer desktop.
- Use of software programme
- An explicit teaching and conscious learning capacity.
- Realised in self-access centres or controlled classroom context.  

Most recent approaches

  • It also extend to the use of interactive whiteboards, computer-mediated communication (CMC), language learning in virtual worlds, and mobile-assisted language learning (MALL).
  • "On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog.". It is very important knowing about security in internet. We must know what is a fake and what is true. We need to check the news and the contents that we share. 


The flipped classes:

The future?

Display centric world

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